Effective against green, black, & mustard algae
- No foaming
- No staining
- No discoloration
- 30% active
Aquavita sells many types of algaecide as there are various strains that may grow in swimming, black, red, and mustard algae. We recommend that you add algaecide to prevent algae before it starts. Our expert staff will help you select the most effective type for your pool.
Effective against green, black, & mustard algae
We have all the products you could ever need to outfit, maintain and enhance your pool.
Our professional spa covers offer secure protection for your family while providing high energy-efficiency and lasting protection against the elements and UV rays. Every detail and component of our covers is expertly designed and crafted to meet or exceed industry specifications. Whether your spa is standard or an in-ground masterpiece, we have you covered!
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Aquavita stocks all size pre-made winter covers along with air pillows, water tubes, plugs, Gizmos and everything else you need to properly close your pool!
Since 1981, Â AQUAVITA has been designing and installing custom winter covers.
Our experienced staff will gladly help you select the best fitting mesh or solid style cover. We can assure you of the best fit for the most uniquely designed pool regardless of deck surface ( concrete, brick, pavers, stone, wood,  grass, gravel, etc.).
We will also re-make your existing cover. (Don’t throw out
the old one until we measure it!)
For safety and appearance at a great price, please contact us for a free estimate:
The Classic Solid Safety Pool Cover from Anchor Industries is made of 14 oz. vinyl coated fabric. Brass anchors recess flush with the deck, when not in use, while hookless rubber ties prevent deck damage. Treated with antimicrobials, the Classic Solid resists the
growth of mold, mildew and odor-causing germs. The Classic Solid rests on the water’s surface below the pool’s edge for additional strength and support. View colors and more on »
Your Pool Guard cover features a heavy duty three-ply solid supported P.V.C. laminate, designed for the rigors of the outdoors and made to virtually eliminate the entry of debris into your pool
when covered. Pool Guard covers feature a full one inch wide heat weld for strength and durability. The cover is designed to rest on the pool water and is locked into your pool deck using all American made hardware, including brass anchors and custom rubber tension straps. Special hardware is available for raised spas and all types of waterfalls and special pool features.
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to empty re-usable filter bag